If you've reached this page, you should already have subscribed to the SIDS Mailing List. If this isn't the case, you shouldsubscribe now; otherwise, many of the features of this page will not work.
If you are a subscriber to the SIDS list, this would be a good page to set a personal bookmark to.
The SIDS mailing list is a place to discuss issues related to SIDS.
To participate in the SIDS mailing list, you have to use two different email addresses. One accepts and delivers our messages. The other email address is used to manage your subscription to the mailing list, to search and get archives of the lists' messages, etc.
The email address that accepts and delivers our messages issids@eartha.mills.edu. This is the e-mail address you must use to send a message so others can get it.
Manging your subscription
In order to manage your subscription to the list, to search its archives and to interact in other ways with it, you must use the email address of the computer program that manages this mailing list: listproc@eartha.mills.edu. One of the most common mistakes people make is sending a message to the wrong address. If you try to post a message for others to see to listproc@eartha.mills.edu, others will not receive that message. If you try to manage the mailing list by sending a command to sids@eartha.mills.edu, it will not work.
There is now an easy web interface for communicating with the list processor program. You can:
Please note that any of these commands may take some time, due to normal delays in sending email.
Remember, if you have any problems, you can always send email toNed Balzer, the "owner" of the SIDS Mailing List.
We hope this mailing list benefits many people.
E-mailus your comments, ideas, and contributed articles for this Web Site to: sidsnet1-at-sids-network-dot-org
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