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Now I lay him down to sleep

by Chimere L. Williamson

Rest In Peace
Damorean Keantae Treyvil Williamson

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999

I had a baby December 5,1997 at 1:40 p.m. I was only 17 years old but I had in my head that everything will be alright. He was due February 14,1998 but it didn't run out that way I went to the hospital on December 1st and the doctor told me that everything was just fine. I was very healthy and made sure I did everything right well on Friday morning I woke up at 5:oo am that was usual for me because he kicks that early in the morning and I go use the restroom well I had an high fever but my stomach was not hurting so I didn't tell my grandmother because I had to go somewhere that day important and I didn't want her to say that I was just putting it off. Well I woke up at 8:oo am and my stomach was feeling a little different so I went next door and called my grandma she told me to take an Tylenol and lay down so I did that.

I laid down for a little while and when I woke up I rubbed my stomach told him I loved him and went and took a bath when I was getting up out of the tub I was hurting real bad and then I started to bleed. So I ran next door. By then I was having contraction back to back painful ones so I cried ask God to help me and make sure the baby was alright by the time I reached the hospital I had already dilated 91/2 centimeters from 11:30 am too 11:40 am they rushed me up to the delivery room and when they told me that his heart was not beating anymore. I cried and I questioned God why, why my baby.... I held him and then told him that I loved him I LOVE him with all my heart and nothing will ever change that. Now I am 19 years old I am also engaged to be married this winter and we are trying to have a baby but for some reason I just won't get pregnant. We have been trying for almost 4 months now I am just in a rush but I still don't know how my baby pasted away. Maybe I can get some answers somewhere.

Chimere L. Williamson

Rest In Peace
Damorean Keantae Treyvil Williamson

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