11 Months Gone
Candace Herkins
Mommy to Zackary Shane Herkins
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000
11months gone
11 months since you've been gone; I didn't think it would take this long
To smile, to laugh, to stop and be still
I remember your laugh, your smell and your will
For a short two months you filled our hearts
11 months later, were still ripped apart
The time it takes for a heat to heal, is harder than the pain we feel
All the new things, since you've gone, are not the same
As you our son
New friends, new house, a job and car
To have you here, is better by far
This thing called SIDS kills everything, each hope each dream
And now what's left are memories, and milestones that we must create
Your life my son, nor death my dear, is not in vain, you should not fear
Your name lives on, in sites and walks, in smiles and talks
WE love you Zack for all you were, and will always for all you are
With love and light and the end of the Tunnel
Mommy and Daddy