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Aubrey's Snow

by Johnna Eurich

Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999

I was 38 weeks pregnant when I heard the worst news, that my baby has died. My husband and I were devastated. My doctor induced my labor and on a snowy, January 4, 1999, I delivered our baby girl. She was 4lbs. 4oz, and 17" long. Her name is Aubrey.

At first I was angry that I was going to go though the agony of labor and have nothing to show for it after, but I realized that my daughter deserved the dignity of a name, of being born as naturally as possible, of being held by her mother. And it opened my eyes on how beautiful our bodies are to endure such pain to bring such celestial creatures to this world, and beyond. This was my first pregnancy and everything was going so perfect, I still don't understand why. But I did realize something by reading your articles, that even if we don't have earthly children living in our homes, we do have celestial children living in our hearts. And WE ARE STILL MOMMIES!!!

e-mail me at: 

My prayers to all of you,


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