To the Ones I loveI wrote this when I was fourteen. I am now nineteen. It has helped me a lot in dealing with my cousin's death in '87, though I was only 3 when Meghan died. I miss her a lot more than anyone who hasn't been through this can imagine. This letter was written from Meg's point of view and whenever I miss her so much I pull it out to read. Please feel free to e-mail. Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 To the Ones I love, I have been gone so long. I am with the others taken from you all. I am not alone, God needed his angels back He says that He is holding a special place in Heaven for the ones we love and had to leave behind So do not worry about me I am doing fine. Before we all go to rest in our little cribs made of soft clouds He tells us stories so we become sleepy and he tucks us all into our cribs and covers us up, including our angel wings, just like you did. He saw how much we liked them when we were with you. Every day I look down on you and smile That is the warmth you feel that you can't explain I asked God to send this to you, so it was sent with all the love I can give to you. I love you all with all my heart and I know that one day we will be together So just remember this Though I'm gone Please don't cry And just cause I'm gone it's not good-bye Don't look back at that time as a time of heartache and distress Remember me cause I'll be with you in your dreams. |
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